Privacy Policy

Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers does not rent, sell, or give out your information to anyone outside of Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers or its authorized agents. Only Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers or an agent working on behalf of Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers may have access to information gathered through this web site. The full text of our Privacy Policy is below:

Full text version :
Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for all domains owned by Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers.

Information Collection and Use :
Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement. Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers collects information from our users at several different points on our website. .

Important security information – email scam :
The Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers website team has been made aware of a number of fake emails that appear to be sent from Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers asking users to confirm their email address and/or password. If you are ever concerned about any communications that are or seem to be from Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers, please contact us immediately.

Collection of IP addresses and the use of “Cookies” :
When you visit our Site, some information such as your Internet protocol address, Internet service provider, operating system, the Site from which you arrived, and the time and date of your visit may be collected automatically as part of the software operation of this Site. Pargati Cargo Movers & Packers also collects information through the use of a technology called “cookies”. The use of cookie technology on is solely for internal marketing purposes.